I am in an Elevator with Donald Trump at a Trump Building in New York City, trying to convince him that having a religion test on people attempting to immigrate to the United States is a bad idea.
Hey Donald, how are you doing? Funny bumping into you like this, I’ve actually got something I wanted to talk to you about.
You say we have a “Muslim Problem,” you support the policy of having a religion test at US borders.
Officials would ask each traveler the question “Are you of the Muslim faith?” and if one responds “yes,” then they would be denied access to the United States.
This means refugees, asylum seekers, migrant workers and even travelers from all over the world would be denied access to the United States.
Well I would like to remind you that the United States is a country founded on a separation of Church and State and founded upon religious freedom itself…that being said I do agree that National Security should be a very high if not our highest priority as a nation, however I do not believe your policy would be an effective way of doing so.
Your policy in fact alienates one of the largest groups of people in the entire world 1.6 billion people who make up 23% of Earths population, ISIS calls out to Muslims asking them to come join their caliphate because the West doesn’t want them, and your policy directly supports such a dialogue
I do think strict screening on all immigrants is a good idea but not at the cost of American values. We already have extremely strict screening, only 2,200 Syrians have been admitted to the United States in the 4 years the War there has been going on and that process can take up to 3 years of screening.
If you’re trying to keep out Terrorists, keeping out Muslims won’t do the trick, Look at Europe. After the Paris attacks is when all this religion test stuff started. In the last 4 years only 8 of the 746 terrorist attacks in Europe were religiously motivated. Even if Muslim terrorists were responsible for all 140,000 terror attacks committed against the world since 1970 it would still be less then .00009 percent of all Muslims, meanwhile 5 out of the last 12 Nobel Peace Prize winners (42%) have been Muslims.
Oh this is your floor well anyway, the idea of denying all Muslims access to the United States is an insane fascist policy that will be ineffective and may even make the problem worse.