Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Genre Speech Rough Draft

Comm Speech 2
Genre Speech Rough Draft

Genre: Motivational Speech (time for one last play)

~"12 Seconds left in the game, the score is tied, it all comes down to this, and the Timberwolves call a time out”
~As I head to the bench I already know what I’m going to hear
~I’m going to first be told to sit down, stop talking (even though I’m not) and listen. And while I listen I must breath, and drink some water, and listen
~The coach will acknowledge what a good job we’ve been doing, and tell us “to just hang in there a few moments more, it all comes down to this”
~He’ll call us gentlemen and use his miniature whiteboard to draw out x’s and o’s
~He’ll tell us each our position and job and then ask us to make sure we understand.
~He’ll tell us not to let the pressure get to us and remind us that although a hurricane has 150 mile an hour winds, the eye of the storm remains calm
~We’ll be told that all we need to do now is take care of business
~The coach will remind us how we’ve been working hard all week, all year, or even all our lives for this one opportunity, and great moments are born from great opportunities
~The coach will refresh our memories of how the opponent is bigger, stronger, and more experienced but then he will remind us how none of that matters and all really comes down to our will
~Then we’ll be told that ultimately win or loose it doesn’t matter so long as we do what we’re told, to the best of our abilities, but then we’ll be promised that if we do honor our job with full effort then we surely will be victorious
~And its not about what we will get if we win, not about the parade, or the ring, or even the girl. Its personal, inside, conquering yourself, your own will, and really getting behind something, not just that but putting complete total 100% effort into it, and having that effort pay off, and the sweet feeling of victory which is sweeter then a thousand rings, parades, or girls
~Because right now, this is the moment, the moment it all comes down too, you’ve been given an opportunity, now its up to you, and we’re gunna find out about you, and you’ll find out for yourself, Are you a winner or loser?
~There will be some call and answer, where we will repeat important words that we’ve been reciting all season.
~All of a sudden the coaches voice gets louder and he sounds excited, and he begins to yell, and everyone begins to yell and then we all begin to clap
~Slowly at first but the clapping speeds up and gets louder and then accompanied by cheers and shouts until its an all out noise fest
~And when the excitement peaks the coach lifts his arm and comes to the middle and we follow and he yells Victory on 3
…1,2,3 VICTORY!!
~and we take to the field feeling the energy of the speech!
~Show video

Speech 2 Writing Process

Speech 2 Writing Process
Rules:4 minute speech followed by 1 minute video, entire presentation accompanied by Prezi visual aid
Genre: Motivational Speech (time for one last play)
Typical Conventions:
o   Alright listen up, no talking now, everyone come get in here, starters come on sit down, breath, get some water, and no talking, just listen
o   Now its all coming down to this, look at the score, look at the time, the game will be decided right now.
o   Don’t worry about the pressure, hurricanes winds up to 150 miles per hour but the eye of the storm is calm.
o   You guys have been working hard all game, do not ease up now. Just a few more moments of all you can give, you get to rest after we win this game.
o   You’re going to get a nice ring, a parade, a chick, the entire school will look at you as heroes, all you’ve got to do is excecute.
o   I know their bigger, stronger, and have more experience then we do…but what we have gentlemen is the will to win, now you’ve got to show that will if you want to win
o   Remember what we’ve been working on all season, for the past 4 years since that first try out, all the early morning workouts, all the late night practices, all the conditioning, 4 years of hell-week, all those weights we lifted, all the times you passed on your friends or your girl or even your family to come spend time with these brothers—your teammates. Well none of that matters now, all that matter now is your will, its all on you guys
o   I can’t help you anymore, or your mommy or your daddy. Right now the only ones that can help you is you guys.
o   Remember what we’ve been working on all week, we knew we’d have a close game and here we are, One final play will decide it all.
o   We knew they’d come out with a fast offense, and that’s why we’ve been preparing our defense all week.
o   You can do it, you will do it, you will win this game, now go out there and make me a profit.

v Typical Moves:
o   You guys are the ones who will decide who wins and loses
o   I already played my last game, this your time now
o   “Gentlemen”
o   I know you’re tired
o   This is the time that seperates those who are men from those who are not, and those who are victors from those who are not
o   none of that matters now
o   win or lose just go out there and give absolutely everything you’ve got
o   Great moments are born from great opportunity
o   Ends with a slow clap

v Video Ideas:
o   Duke coach in bball movie
o   “Miracle” 2004 USA Olympic Hockey speech
o   West Virginia Head Coach Bill Stewart “Leave no doubt” 2008
o   Any Given Sunday 1999
o   “The Damned United” 2009
o   “Gridiron gang” 2006
o   “Friday night lights” 2004
o   “The Wrestler”2008
o   “Hoosiers” 1998
o   “Invictus” 2009
o   “We are Marshall” 2006
o   “Remember the Titans” 2000
o   “Moneyball”
o   “Coach Carter”
o   “D2: The mighty ducks”
o   “The sandlot”
o   “A league of their own”

o   “Any given Sunday”