COMM 131 Ben Feldmann
Speech Number 3
My radical idea is punishment, trying to convince you that we should not put criminals in prison.
· Why do we put a bunch of likeminded people together—isnt this counter-productive?
· People who aren’t that bad, turn bad…people who are already bad, get together and turn really super bad
· Shouldn’t we be trying to teach these people and rehabilitate them.
· Especially non-violent offenders who do not pose a danger to other citizens
· Is the solution for ignorance punishment?
· Or should it be education?
· We should be trying to reduce the re-offense rate >>>
· Not only in prisons’ but in all institutions
o Eric Fromm book, we prefer order over freedom if given the choice
· Prison is not even an effective punishment, it clearly does not deter repeat offense
· Maybe people even like it?
· Not too mention the $$$ money prisons cost—companies profiting off of criminals
· Minimum occupancy quotas in private prisons
· We are just putting prisoners in there to become someone’s bitch and we don’t treat them humanely.
· Society wants everyone to be a productive, contributing, and law abiding member of the social fabric. Incarceration does not create that outcome
· Some Plato quotes
· Discrimination within the system….racial incarceration rates
· We also should not take away the right to vote-this is what causes people the have faith and feel satisfied by the system. If you take that away then people have no legitimate channel of access so they will seek illigitimate channels to express themselves.
Specific Speech Outline
1. Show Consensus on issue
a. State conviction rates for crime
b. Number of prisons/ prisoners in the United States
2. But Why?
a. Society wants everyone to be a productive, contributing, and law abiding member of the social fabric. Incarceration does not create that outcome
b. Why put these like minded individuals together, they get worseàcounterproductive.
c. Doesn’t help them learn from their mistake
d. Doesn’t help rehabilitate or reintroduce members to society
e. Costs so much $$$
f. Not humane—butt f*&%^ing fer dayz
g. Racial discrimination and tension
h. Not even effective deterent—recitivism rates
i. Study by Eric Fromm and others about
3. Pitch Radical Idea
a. Plato quote/ society in the Republic
b. What if educated these men instead of punishing them
c. We could
i. Save $$
ii. Lower discrimination
iii. Lower recitivism
iv. Be a more effective rehabilitation unit
v. Have a more nurturing and healthy society
4. Conclusion
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