Monday, April 4, 2016

Speech 3: start, stop, continue

Start, Stop, Continue : Speech 3 Reflection

Radical Speech

My Radical idea is about incarceration trying to convince you that, instead of putting criminals in jail, we should put them in school

  • ·      I did cite my sources on a slide, but I think I should mention a few of the most used or most reputable or significant in future presentations. By mentioning a few important sources I can give the audience both visual and audio citation of my sources. Adding to logos.

o   Perhaps I should also put some citations throughout my prezzi, on the same slides as the information used from each source or at least some.
  • ·      Looking at the audience more, I was looking at my power point to much and not at my audience enough. I need to have the main points down better without having to look up at my slide for them.
  • ·      Putting this under start->I found a very relevant and in my opinion powerful address in a Senate hearing by Bernie Sanders which I think would be a better media to include rather than the Joan Baez song. I think everyone is sort of in a political mode with the presidential primaries taking place, and so the Bernie clip is not only more relevant, but it would also have added credibility to my position—more so then 13 seconds of Joan Baez.
  • ·      Summarizing txt on slides into more simple, clear, bullets (with additional txt only when absolutely required)

o   Maybe make more slides, but definitely have less txt on each in the future
  • ·      The only ‘hand gestures’ I seemed to have was touching my face. In my next presentation I want to use hand motions to help emphasize certain points, and connect with the audience.
  • ·      Using more tone fluctuations, I’ve already been working on this one, but still need quite a bit of work. When I watch my video, it is better than speech #2, but still has a large amount of monotone. I need to really get into my speeches and not be so nervous when I present.
  • ·      I want to start moving around more in my next speech. Using more of the stage could help keep the audience engaged, and add emphasis.

  • ·      Putting things in I didn’t practiceàspecifically in my last speech I said, “it costs to much” things like this take up time and interrupt the flow I practiced.
  • ·      Putting so much txt on each slide of my prezzi, brief slides show more memorization, which indicates at least more time invested, if not more passion in one’s presentation.

o   Also I think my slides are somewhat overwhelming and the audience may get annoyed with all the reading and lose interest. Also they may not have enough time to keep up with all the reading, and therefore stop listening.
  • ·      Stop talking so quickly, it can be overwhelming and too fast for the audience to really hear and understand, use less words, with more meaning!
  • ·      Touching my face every other sentence.
  • ·      Saying ahm or uhm in between ideas, I should come up with transitions to memorize instead.

  • ·      Citing sources at end with a slide, I think its okay to squeeze almost all of them in on one slide, especially the ones that weren’t too heavily relied on.
  • ·      Practicing a lot with someone watching, a timer going, and clicking through my power point. I’ve found it extremely helpful to practice just like it will be in class.
  • ·      Doing extensive research and including lots of numbers, references and statistics, I think it helps by employing logos, and showing data to back up arguments. Also it takes up time in my speeches and makes them more full I think.
  • ·      Using creative prezzi presentations, with lots of picture and graphics. I believe this helps grab the audience’s attention and a relevant theme or flow through prezzi helps keep the audience engaged.
  • ·      Using a hook like I did with my Seychelles fact. Something fun to get everyone’s attention.
  • ·      Using an outline slide, giving the audience a blueprint helps them follow along better and absorb more information from my presentation.
  • ·      Using digital media like I did with the Joan Baez song. I like watching the presentations where the media really adds to the message or shows another angle.
  • ·      Trying to find overlap with my speeches and my other classes, this has really helped me get all the work done. Exploring subjects which I already know something about is a great strategy. Work smarter, not harder.
  • ·      Moving quickly through presentation, not spending too much time on any one slide or another. Keeps things moving, and helps me keep track of timing. Don’t rush, just keep it steady and show that I’m prepared.

3 Classmates Moves:
  1. ·      I liked Nestor’s video that he included. His video showed a unique perspective and made the issue real for me. Seeing with my own eyes what he was talking about helped me understand his argument more.
  2. ·      Jake had a very solemn topic with animal cruelty, but I thought he made a great case to put human problems first. I think the way he paused, and used both facial expression and tone to show real emotion behind what he was talking about was extremely effective. Every time he paused I could feel the focus in the room, everyone was zeroed in listening carefully to what Jake had to say.
  3. ·      My overall favorite move from the radical speech presentations was when Ling directly asked the audience a question. Her interaction with the audience was fun to watch, and added to her message. Not only was I paying attention for her entire presentation, but I felt like she knew what she was talking about.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ben!!! I liked the topic you chose. Indeed it is quite misfortunate that so many individuals are incarcerated. Your radical idea to educate inmates was a stellar choice on your behalf. I makes lots of sense as to why punishment isn’t or doesn’t always have to be the answer to a problem especially when most who exit prison end up returning within the first 3-5 years.

    I agree, it would be a good idea to lessen the amount of woods on your slides. It takes away the focus and attention from you, the speaker, and directs it into reading which many of us find boring.

    Advice : Work on captivating the audience by looking at them more often… Try to reach out more to the class by relying less on your prezi/slides. It seemed like you had most of the information of the presentation down so I would use less words in the future- especially because you are good at communicating the points of the topic. Maybe pullet the points you want to cover and go from there. Your voice was a bit monotone. I think that some fluctuation and excitement would greatly improve the efficacy of your speeches. Other than those few tips, excellent job!


  3. Heya Ben,
    I really appreciate the level of detail you go into when writing your post-speech evaluation. It shows the clear motivation to improve yourself that really comes through in the end.

    I say this because I am posting this response late and have had the opportunity to see your speech #4 performance. You clearly applied the stop suggestions that you gave yourself in your most recent speech and had success in improving your overall tone of voice into a more involved and passionate one.

    Also, I fully agree with your position on the large amount of text on presentation slides and their effects on the overall experience for the audience. The new challenge though, is understanding your subject enough to speak off the cuff.

    Anyway, great job Ben!

    If I had to ask any questions, and I do, I would ask the following: do you think you improved significantly between this post and speech #4?
